Dutch veterans, casualties of war and armed service and their relations have a right, even after their time in the services, to the best care and service. The Veteran Office offers you this.
The Veteran Office gives you access to existing care and service from the Ministry of Defence, the Netherlands Veterans Institute (NLVi), National Healthcare System for Veterans in the Netherlands (LZV), the basic civilian pension (ABP) and the Veteran Platform (VP). These are made accessible via one central website and telephone number. For acute cases the office is open outside normal working hours.
“You can reach us 24 hours a day seven days a week”
Do you need (permanent) mental or physical health care subsequent to a military posting? The Veteran Office is there for you and naturally for your relations too. Through us you can gain access to care, starting with a consultation and on into specialised treatment.
Do you need help on legal questions, do you want to know which organisations protect your interests or how to make contact with the volunteers who support veterans and their relations? You will find this information at the Veteran Office too.
Application for a veteran pass, locations of meeting centers and veteran cafes, event dates, decorations and awards, honours and remembrance, war memorials, addresses and documentation centers, ceremonial for veteran funerals: the Veteran Office offers you every kind of important information.
Online: www.nlveteraneninstituut.nl/veteranenloket
Phone: NL 0 (31) 88 334 00 00
Email: info@veteranenloket.nl
“You were there when your country needed you: we are there for you now.”